Making wellness practical

Bright natural dining room nook with vases plates and fruits on the table.

As with anything, establishing regular practice will produce lasting benefits. 

At the studio, we offer a lot of therapies! And although you may love them all equally (just like we do!), it can be hard, if not impossible, to fit everything into your schedule and budget. 

Not to mention all of the other things that you may be trying to keep up with for your wellbeing. Everything takes time and money, wellbeing is worth it - Health is wealth after all!

Let's strategise to make wellness enjoyable and straightforward rather than pressure to keep up with the lastest. 

Here are some ways you could optimize the way you use our therapies. 

Establishing your goals will give you direction.

Although each of our therapies can have multiple benefits, it's better to utilise them for specific things. By establishing your goals, you can focus your time and money into one therapy at a time and truly reap the benefits. 

Talk to us before you book your appointment, let us know your goals. We can suggest what therapy has shown to be the most effective.  

How not to break the bank and manage your schedule. 

To achieve a goal, you need to focus less on priority and more about practicality - because you will never be able to prioritize something if it isn't practical.

Our passes are flexible because they don't expire, so there is no pressure to fit us into your schedule. It may be too hard some weeks, so book it in when you can. The Wellness Studio is also pretty flexible with rescheduling because we get it, life happens - we want to keep things practical.  

If you're the kind of person that works best locked in and committed to something, or after the best value for money - We have payment plans for you! Plans are great because you know that you have regular sessions to look forward too using. 

We have appointments available in the morning, during the day, and in the evening after work hours. You can schedule your session in advance to ensure you secure the time slot that best suits. 

Booking it in makes it easy to remember and make a priority. We will remind you of your appointment with a text message 24hrs before, so if it happens to no longer suit, you can always give us a call to reschedule, and with an online account, you can even do this yourself. 

We're here to support you because we value wellness. Although it's not always possible, trying to keep your mental and physical wellbeing at the top of your list will ensure you live happy, healthy and active. 


Why you are NOT crazy for going cold!


Bring wellness into your workplace - at home or the office.